Tea house
and ceremony
"Tea and zen have a single flavour,” as the Japanese saying goes, because what could be more quintessentially zen than the tea ceremony? Discover this cultural gem at Monte Verità in Ascona.
A stay at Casa Berno is a great excuse to experience a Japanese tea ceremony at nearby Monte Verità in Ascona. Start your visit with a gentle stroll through the tea garden before relaxing in the pavilion by the Zen garden, overlooking the dazzling lake. Then, step inside Loreley tea house, where you’ll be ceremonially presented with a cup of tea and will learn about the culture behind one of the world’s most popular drinks, whose history dates back thousands of years.
The Japanese tea ceremony is all about the quest for aesthetic perfection. It consists of a set of coordinated movements with meaning in every aspect. Great care is taken over posture, wording, the choice of objects and their positioning, drawing on Buddhist philosophy to seek true inner peace.

The tea garden
At the Monte Verità
The magical Monte Verità has a unique microclimate where the tea plant (Camellia sinensis) is able to thrive. In 2005, a small tea plantation was set up in the park, making this botanical jewel even more special. With beautifully landscaped paths, you can access it at any time.
you can access it at any time. All the way from spring through to late summer, the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis are harvested and processed into green, black and white tea. The ideal location to savour these delicate preparations is the Chashitsu (Japanese tea ceremony house) at Monte Verità, where you can experience one of the most solemn and elaborate ways for a host to welcome their guests..